Un metodo naturale per la cura delle smagliature: lโ€™olio extravergine di oliva - L'Acropoli di Puglia

A natural method for treating stretch marks: extra virgin olive oil

Did you know that? A natural method for treating stretch marks: extra virgin olive oil

Summer is coming and how can you prepare for the long-awaited and feared swimsuit test?! Hiding those hateful stretch marks sometimes becomes a problem. Stretch marks do not pose a health risk, but they can be unsightly and are often an unpleasant cosmetic nuisance. Don't be discouraged! Here is a simple natural remedy to combat them: the use of extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil contains nutrients and antioxidants, and if heated slightly, can also promote blood circulation in the skin. Therefore:
Bring a little extra virgin olive oil to room temperature (about one/two minutes) using a pan. Don't let it smoke or get too hot;
Gently massage the extra virgin olive oil onto the stretch marks, leaving it for about 30 minutes before removing it with mild soap and warm water.

In general, extra virgin olive oil represents an excellent solution for the care of dry, delicate and low-hydration skin, but it is also beneficial for all skin types. Try it, it will make your skin shiny and very soft in any case.
Seeing is believing!
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