Well yes: extra virgin olive oil, like the one produced by L'Acropoli di Puglia, has, similarly to breast milk, a composition of essential fatty acids and the same percentage of linoleic acid (omega 6), therefore making it an irreplaceable element for the myelination of nerve fibers and brain development. Not only! It is also rich in antioxidants, cardioprotective and anti-obesity, reducing the risk of contracting diabetes, inflammatory diseases and liver disorders.
It also prevents the phenomenon of constipation in infants - (adding two drops of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil to the bottle) -, therefore helping both gastric and intestinal function.
Extra virgin olive oil is also precious during the child's growth thanks to the presence of vitamin D because it regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, thus promoting the intake of minerals essential to the ossification process. This guarantees children a "construction" of the skeleton that protects against fractures during youth and against risks of osteoporosis during old age.
And it can be a healthy (and economical) alternative to classic packaged snacks: it does not contain cholesterol, unlike butter or lard which are omnipresent in packaged sweets and which become part of children's (incorrect) eating habits. So why not replace them with a slice of fresh bread with extra virgin olive oil?